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The history of the creation of Awka Archdeaconry on 30th march, 1970 immediately after the civil war. The then Awka Archdeaconry comprising the present Awka North & South, Orumba North and South, Aguata, Njikoka, Anaocha and parts of Dunukofia LGAs, had only one maternity Hospital located at the premises of the then St. Faith's church compound Awka.
The 3 Rs of the Government/Church in the AOS helped to develop the war-ravaged areas of the Archdeaconry. In 1980 Aguata Archdeaconry was created and inaugurated as the 25th Diocese in the Church of Nigeria
Prior to the inauguration of Aguata Diocese in Sept. 2005, the old Awka Diocese had just four(4) medical hospitals:
Faith Hospital and Maternity, Awka
Diocesan Hospital, Umunze
Maternity Hospital, Igboukwu
Diocesan Hospital, Awka Ofemili
The present Diocese of Awka is made up of Awka North and South, Njikoka, Anaocha, part of Dunukofia and part Oji River LGA in Enugu state.
During the enthronement of the diocesan of the Rt. Revd(now Most) Alexander Ibezim Ph.D on 22nd November, 2010, one of his 10 point agenda hinges on health facilities and welfare, with special reference to the rural dwellers in the missionary areas of the Diocese. It is fulfilling this objective that the vision to establish a first specialist Hospital- St. Faith's Specialist Hospital, Awka was initiated and built to the glory of God.
It is also the same vision that informed the establishment of the Millenium College of Nursing, Awka by his Grace, the most Revd. Alexander Chibuzo Ibezim, Ph.D, JP, Archbishop, Ecclesiastical Province of the Niger, and Bishop, Diocese of Awka(Anglican Communion)
Administration : Ven. Ekene Nwafor
Provost : Chisom Ezulike (Mrs)
College secretary : Ikegwuonu Adaobi
Graduate Nurse :
Ezeani Benita Nkeiru
Onyekwelu Frank
Graduate in other field : Chijioke Franklin
Accountant : Happiness T. Ezechukwu
ICT Assistants :
Edem Victor C
Nonyelum Chukwuka
Orderlies :
Grace Edeh
Mmesoma Ezeani
Blessing Ezinne
Security : Abraham Akpan
This comprise of qualified Nurse Educators/tutors from reputable training institutions in Nigeria. Some possess first degree in nursing, while some others have additional qualifications such as masters degree and specialist in other nursing. The school also recruits graduate assistants. Other calibers of teachers are clinical instructors. They are either Registered Nurses or both Registered Nurses and Midwives. They assist in clinical skill development.
The provost, the dean of students' affairs and the disciplinary committee, coordinate series of student's activities in the school. On yearly basis, students are admitted to reside in the hostels. For some reasons, some students are non-resident if justified.
At the hostel, the students live three in moderately large ventilated and well lit rooms, with reading tables, and wardrobes. The school provides them with beds and mattresses. Students are fed centrally and have their meals in the canteen. The students operate a union whose executives are chosen by general elections and sworn in by the provost and staff. The various class representatives assist to manage student's affairs.
The college, in addition to our own hospital, has secured an MOU with Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital Igbariam, Anambra State where expert physicians and medical practitioners are charged to attend to students health challenges.
The college has a library capacity of 80 students at a time. It contains both modern and near-modern books. It also contains journals, periodicals, from Nigeria and outside Nigeria. It also has a reference section.
The college has a computer room with 25 computer workstations with extra.
The admission requirements for prospective student nurses, is the University minimum requirement for department of nursing.
It includes a credit passes in Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English, and Mathematics. Only entrants with the above are entitled to buy entrance forms. The forms are purchased, completed and submitted online on the college website.
During admission, the college conducts entrance examination. And in event that the number of successful students is not enough, a supplementary examination would be conducted.
Physical interview is conducted in the college on stipulated days by the provost and other management staff of the college, and selected members of the college board.
After the final compilation of result and release, qualified candidates pay non-refundable acceptance fee and commence registration with 50% of the approved fee. The O'Level is verified before issuance of admission letter.
On arrival, they are made to submit photocopies of credentials in files including passport photographs.
Millenium College of Nursing Sciences offers a 5 year Higher National Diploma(HND) Nursing Training: Two years ND Nursing, two years HND Nursing and a full year clinical. The program is full time only.
Post Basic Training: This would be achieved during HND 2.
This course is meant for only students that passed the general nursing final qualifying examination conducted by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria.
Tuition for each session is renewable.
The college has locations for variety of sporting events. Students practice sporting activities, first thing every morning. Sports fiesta is done in the college annually.
All is in attempt to produce nurses with sound minds in healthy bodies.
To produce great ambassadors who are: conscientious, diligent, God fearing, proficient nurses, who will be ever ready to nurse humanity.
Males students are meant to appear in white safari shirt on black trousers, front button down and stripes on both shoulders, indicating year of study. One stripe = first year , two stripes = second year; while black color indicate ND, red color indicate HND.
Also, are brown shoes, smart wrist watches and low cut hair.
Note: Brown cardigans are allowed during block studies only.
They are expected to appear in a white color gown, with "T" neck that has buttons from the neck to the chest. In addition is a stripe at the shoulder, indicating year of study. One stripe = first year, two stripes = second year; while black color indicate ND, red color indicate HND. Also, are brown shoes, smart wrist watches and neatly packed or low cut hair.
Note: Brown cardigans are allowed during block studies only
The Principal Officers of the College
The Provost is the chief executive of the school, he/she oversees all school matters/activities.
The second in command is the Deputy Provost who is directly under the Provost. Others are:
The Dean of Students Affairs
Course Coordinators
Class Coordinators
The College Secretary
The Chief Librarian
This department sees to the activities of nursing education of the college. This department is the pivot, and as such, has the highest availability of both human and material resources. DON is usually lead by the next in command to the provost, and mostly doubles as the Deputy Provost Nursing.
The dean of students' affairs of the College works with the student welfare committee and student union government (SUG) president and his executives. They take care of students' welfare outside the classroom. They enforce discipline in the school and hostels. They co-ordinate feeding for all students. They undertake orientation of new students into the school. The department organizes sports and other extra-curricular activities.
Class coordinators supervise student's activities during block studies
Hostel supervisor: Manages student's welfare in the hostel, he/she supervises student's movements to and fro the hostel. He/she ensures that sick students consult student's doctor whenever they are sick.
He takes care of students? common room and sick bay.
He also ensures that students keep hostel environment clean daily. All resident staff supervise students during night prep.
This group is in charge of all academic matters viz:
Implementing the school?s curriculum.
Review of schools curriculum when due
Review of procedure books, etc.
Co-ordinates various courses, taught in the College through course coordinators.
Co-ordinates supervision of nursing care studies, seminars and projects.
They collate examination questions.
Co-ordinate examination.
Co-ordinate publication of results.
Conducts re-sit examination and publication of its result.
Release of best student in academic session for each set.
The principal overseas this department or as delegated.
It co-ordinates payment of feeding fees by students and purchase of food items.
Students centrally feed in the college canteen. The hostel supervisor and appointed Students hostel reps supervise the purchase of food items, quality and quantity of food sent to students and the cooking of food.
Basic Nursing Education: This lasts for 4 years
Post Basic Nursing Education
This is meant for interested midwives who have qualified and are registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria.
Post Basic Midwifery Education:
This is offered in the Public Health department of the college during the HND II (fourth year) for successful students during general nursing final qualifying examination
Nursing education has experienced series of transformations, and is ever poised to meeting the task and ever increasing demand of consumers of her services which includes: Individuals, families and the society at large. Nursing reformations are to meet the taste of time in line with technological advancement. In the objective of the National Policy on Education, Nursing Education inculcates into the student nurses sound educational principles, to enable them participate effectively in the interdisciplinary as well as inter sectoral teams. The Nurses are trained Cognitively, affectively and in psychomotor domains of educational objectives. These series of preparation enrich them to participate in both community and hospital based services where they are required to employ altruism 'in rendering their individualistic, wholistic, family centered care to humanity.
Nursing process remains a veritable and unavoidable tool.
The Nursing Educational programme in this college, strives: To produce polyvalent nurses who can render competent service and are accountable to humanity.
To offer sound academic standard to students to meet the standard of nursing by Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (N. & MCN) and International Council for Nurses (ICN).
To raise worthy ambassadors who will serve humanity in Christ through altruistic services.
To train nurses who will appreciate the scope and limits of dependence, interdependence and independence of the whole man.
To evolve competent graduates who will employ critical thinking in their care of humanity.
To develop in the nurse, the ability to integrate science, art and technology in clinical practice.
To evolve competent graduates who will utilize managerial skills in clinical practice.
To train nurses who will satisfy the demand of the ever changing world as well as appreciate the rights of patients and uphold them.
To inculcate in the student nurse, the appreciation of the cultural norms, morals and values of the client, as well as uphold her professional code of conduct.
To produce nurse researcher who will help to increase the horizon of nursing profession and nursing body of knowledge.
To inculcate good public relation and productive communication skills in the nurse for effective interaction in the health care delivery system.
At the introductory level (PTS) students are expected to spend a period of 6 months in the classroom before their first semester examination. In each academic year, students spend a period of 6 weeks each twice in block study (12 weeks). The last block study for the year, weekends with promotion examination. They also spend 8weeks experience in Psychiatric Nursing;
6 weeks experience in obstetrics and gynecologic Nursing.
5 weeks experience for EENT (Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat) experience.
3 weeks experience for orthopedic Nursing.
4 weeks experience for computer training,
8 weeks experience for community experience,
1 week for students? week.
There would be vacation at the end of each semester
A period of 14-16 weeks is spent in the clinical area per annum.
During such periods, students are posted in rotation bases into different units in the hospitals and outside the hospital.
There would be one full year compulsory terminal clinical.
They are competent to enroll into university for their post graduate diploma in choice area.
They are competent to work in any hospital/clinic anywhere in the world that centers at general Nursing care.
They can also serve as clinical instructors in the schools of nursing.
The college may from time to time decide to retain their best graduating students during convocations.
The Ministry of health, including state hospitals, even local governments on advertisement may employ graduate. In HND II, students may be involved in ad-hock health activities whenever available, as approved by the college. On graduation, other States and Federal as well as local government and donor agencies would be invited with the aim of soliciting job opportunities for graduates.
Internationally, where opportunity calls they may be employed.
New entrants buy forms at the beginning of the year. The entrance examination
To produce the most compassionate, God fearing, competent, creative and scientifically sound Nursing and Midwifery professionals capable of rendering nursing care in diverse settings and contribute in bettering human existence both locally and globally.
To be a model of excellence through dynamic programs, innovative practices/research and to use God fearing Nurse Educators and other tutors to impact knowledge in our students, in a conducive, safe and friendly environment for the propagation of nursing profession.
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Excellence is a term we use to describe The farthest end of the quality spectrum. When we think of excellence, we think of an aspect which is outstanding ? the very best there is.The environment in which academics are encouraged to think critically and creatively is a contributing factor in determining the academic excellence.This is what we provide here!.Excellence is a quality of being outstanding; it is not a trait, hence it cannot be inherited. therefore, we train our students to strive to be excellent here at MCONS AWKA.Why Academic Excellence? to be useful ? ?He who does not work, let him not eat?. To accomplish your part, take care of yourself, family or community. To keep active, happy and healthy. To be with others i.e. to meet people and make friends & make a difference.
Morals are the absolute rules about right and wrong a person believes in. One believes that those are absolute, and therefore apply not only to the person him/her-self but to everyone. Many believe that it is considered proper not to force these morals on others, but to hope that others have the same outlook. Forcing others to live by one's own morals is known as moralizing.Discipline is enforcing a set of rules - which may be morals, but could be just practical - on oneself and others, over which one has authority, such as children (for a parent) or employees (for a manager).Self discipline may include such as rising each day at a set time, having 3 meals a day at set times etc.Discipline over others can be as simple as setting a starting time for employees - with consequences for those who do not follow those.One's discipline will rise partly out of one's morals.
judging from our carefully selected staff with wealth of experience in Nursing education and training, seasoned and dedicated administrators, MCONS AWKA is set on the road-map to consistent success in the business of training the new generation Nurses. coupled with the advantage of modern technology integrated in the college curricula, MCONS AWKA will stand out as one of the few nursing schools with well-trained and practice-ready nursing graduates within the country many years to come.join the train now!
MCONS AWKA provides Top-notch Medical equipment with modern facilities for our staff and students. this makes every academic activity an interesting one for all. responsive and easy-to-use facilities installed in various facilities within the school premises creates a positive air of modernity, continually helping to grow the confidence of students as the tackle their every academic responsibilities.
Assembling the right employees for the daunting task of running a newly established institution is not an easy task. At MCONS AWKA,we took up the challenge to hire the best hands in the field. you can rest assured that we have the best staffing in our institution.we guarantee quality service through our experience to give you the best academic experience in the course of your study here. We welcome you to MCONS AWKA
Well equipped laboratories, such as the practice laboratory ans the various science laboratories at MCONS AWKA, are wonderful resources in which our students can do amazing things with their research training.working in a practice lab for research, having the right equipment is paramount. at MCONS AWKA, provide the latest practice equipment that can be found in any modern college of Nursing in any part of the world today. We believe that the knowledge that our students attain in classrooms would be ineffectual unless they actually observe the process and understand the relationship between action and reaction. in our practice lab, we combine classroom teaching with laboratory experiments to ensure that the students grasp each and every concept thoroughly. The experiments that our student conduct help encourage deep understanding of Nursing science.